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Dėkojame Tau, Viešpatie

Saulius Matas. Dėkojame Tau, Viešpatie
Žodžiai Ritos Fabijonienės
Aranžavo Dainius Vaičekonis


This is a tender hymn of thanksgiving and supplication. Between refrains of “We Give You Thanks, Lord”, the singers give witness to God’s gracious hand in Lithuania’s beautiful scenery. In the second verse, they marvel at the gifts of Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit. Finally, they humbly pray for the strength
to be virtuous and loving. Truly, “We Give You Thanks, Lord”. The hymn may be sang in English. The loose translation can be found in the last page of this edition.


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Matas, Saulius


Darius Kučinskas